Well the wee man is another year older. Five years old means “big boy” and much closer to the wise old age of his big sister than the age of four was. She is seven and is held in great esteem with regards to her vast knowledge of the world. She can whistle! Fortunately this year our youngest did not request a cake as grand as last year’s three tier Angry Birds birthday cake, but rather, since he was getting a Bumblebee Transformer for a gift he wanted a cake to match.
Mind, this request was made the day before his birthday party so some serious replanning had to occur. Fortunately, the fine folk over at Lékué had sent me a fantastic goody box of their products to play with including one of their silicone number cake moulds, so that was a good starting point. Lékué have kindly offered one of my readers a silicone number mould of their choice in a Giveaway, so scroll down to the bottom to enter via Rafflecopter for your chance to win one of these fab cake moulds of your very own!
Starting with my trusty wicked chocolate cake recipe (slightly adapted from a recipe found in the Reader’s Digest The Cook’s Scrapbook – 1995), the cake recipe now used for all birthday cakes in this household, I set to work. I always make this same cake recipe because a) it’s delicious and inexpensive, b) it keeps well (the flavour seems to improve with age) and c) it can withstand the weight of a lot of icing! The batter quantity also fits perfectly into this Lékué number five cake mould (capacity 1700 ml). I baked the cake the day before and left it overnight in the silicone mould to cool. It turned out well but a little bit of cake did stick in the inner corner of the top of the five. It wasn’t noticeable in the final product.
Also in the box of goodies was this chocolate lollipop silicone mould which was an absolute dawdle to use. You boil a kettle, pour the boiling water into a small saucepan, plonk a heatproof bowl over the top with 90 grams of broken chocolate pieces in it. Come back and stir every now and again until it’s melted and smooth and fill the moulds with the chocolate. I stuck some raisins on the back of the melted chocolate, but other dried fruit and nuts could be used too. Insert the lollipop sticks in the handy little spaces, bung in the fridge for 20 minutes until it solidifies and away you go! Easy peasy! The kids loved these, but displaying them was a little challenge. I used an inverted clay colander over a little bowl filled with clay baking beads, but a piece of foam in a bowl or cup would work well too.
So, back to the cake. The birthday boy was getting a bumblebee transformer (my personal favourite transformer) and so of course the cake had to be yellow, black and grey (yay for Renshaw ready to roll icing!). I opted for a more simple option by covering the cake entirely in white ready to roll icing, as a smooth base, before repeating with yellow. The top was made by tracing around the base of the cake mould into paper, cutting it out and using it as a template for the icing which was rolled out onto some greaseproof baking paper. The large number five was then carefully transferred onto the top of the cake using the baking paper to help. The sides of the cake were covered in strips of ready to roll icing the height of the cake and I made black stripes to hide the join where the top and sides meet (and because Bumblebee has two black stripes!).
To make the Transformers decoration on the top of the cake I printed off a colouring picture I found on the internet, scaled down to fit the space I had available (a Google images search comes up with all sorts of free designs). This was used as a template for the grey ready to roll icing set on a black base. Simple, yet effective, I think.
Alas, there was no black writing icing to be found in any of the shops I went to, so I used some black ready to roll icing to cut out Happy Birthday letters in the Transformers font and stuck them to the cardboard cake base (which was also covered in white icing since it was originally silver and didn’t look very nice). Again, I thought this was quite effective. Topped with five silver candles the birthday boy and his friends were most impressed!
If you would like to win your own numbered cake mould to try this yourself, scroll down and enter via the Rafflecopter entry form! Good luck! 🙂
- 275 grams plain flour
- 1.5 tsp bicarbonate of soda
- 175 grams caster sugar
- 150 grams dark muscovado sugar
- 225 ml water
- 60 grams Fairtrade cocoa powder
- 115 grams unsalted butter
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 tsp distilled malt vinegar
- 150 ml single cream
- 2 eggs, beaten
- 1.25 kg white ready to roll icing
- 750 grams yellow ready to roll icing
- 250 grams black ready to roll icing
- 100 grams grey ready to roll icing
- large round cake board
- 125 grams chocolate frosting
- black edible ink pen
Prep time: Cook time: Total time: Yield: 1 birthday cake
Lékué Silicone Cake Mould Giveaway
How to Enter
For your chance to win a single Lékué numbered silicone cake mould of your choice enter using the Rafflecopter below. Come back and tweet about the Giveaway every day for more chances to win!
Terms & Conditions
This giveaway is open to UK entries only. Entrants must be age 18 or over. Winners will need to respond with their choice of prize within 48 hours of being contacted. Failure to do this may result in another winner being selected.
The prize is offered and provided by Lékué but it will be posted out by Elizabeth’s Kitchen Diary. The prize is a single Lékué numbered silicone cake mould. There is no cash alternative and the prize is not transferable. Please allow at least one month from the end of the competition for delivery.
If you need some help using Rafflecopter, here’s a quick clip to show you how. Rafflecopter will pick the winner at random from the entries received. I will be verifying entries and any automated entries will be disqualified.
Closing date is midnight on Sunday 13 April 2014 and the winner will be announced that day.
Tea Time Treats is all about decorative cakes this month. This challenge by Karen over at Lavender and Lovage is hosted this month by The Hedgecombers.
Calendar Cakes by Dolly Bakes and Laura Loves Cakes is all about “energise” this month. Well, after eating all this icing the children were most certainly energised!
Celebration Cakes and Bakes over at Mummy Makes Cakes.
Elizabeth’s Kitchen Diary was sent a complimentary box of silicone bakeware by Lékué for review. This is not a paid post and I was not required to write a positive review.
That’s an excellent cake!
eer, that should read so embrassing! not embracing.
M x
No, no special occasion just the fact, I have never made a chocolate cake in my life! (sad but true.. Eaten a few mind) so when I saw your recipe I thought must give that a try and glad I did.
Next is going to be your Pavlova as owing to the fact (A) it looks delicious, (B)since I last commented yesterday, I have fallen flat on my face (so embracing) and now have a left knee the size of an Ostrich egg, so I’m feeling extremely sorry for myself and need something sugary, chocolatly and sweet to cheer myself up .. only problem being I’ll have to wait until I can up stand up for a bit longer!!
Have fun in London.
Maura x
Oh no! Ouch! I hope you mend swiftly. I reckon chocolate strawberry pavlova is just the thing needed right now! 🙂
Hi Elizabeth,
Made the above cake a couple of weeks ago and “Wicked” is the right word…I was apprehensive about the vinegar but needn’t have been……………… just need an excuse to make another cake now!
Not being a blogger or a twitter(er) is there such a word? I also thought this would be the best way to say” Have a lovely and safe trip to London and back”, enjoy yourself, and look forward to reading about your adventurers on your return .
Maura x
Fantastic Maureen, that’s made my day! So delighted you enjoyed the cake. What was the special occasion? Many thanks for your best wishes – I will definitely be writing all about my adventures when I get home!
No 4 for my neice
For my daughter’s 3rd birthday 🙂
Number 3 for my niece
a number 2 for my niece 🙂
would love a number 9 please for my eldest son (get to use it another 4 times after for my other children then) 🙂
number 5 for my granddaughter
I would love the number 1 xxx
Number 1, my son is 11 next month 😀
2 for mys sons 2nd birthday coming out soon.
Number 7 which my children would love.
4 for my niece
5 for my big girl 🙂
Number 2 my middle sons birthday in July x x
I’d like a number 9 for my daughter this year 🙂
3 for my little girl please 🙂
9 for my son’s next birthday
Number 1 for my niece! 🙂
My daughter is 2 soon but I could use it again when sh’e 5. Thank you
I’d like number 5 as that’s my niece’s next birthday and it’d be great for significant birthdays like 25, 50 etc for my friends and family
5 for my little girl
Number 2 for my little girl 🙂
number 7 for my youngests birthday
3 for my sons birthday although not sure it would look as good as yours
3 for my son’s birthday
Number 1 or 2, so I can make at least part of a very special birthday!
Number 3 please for Ellie
1 or a 3 please if I was lucky enough to win
Number 9 so I could make a cake for my little brother who turns 9 in August!
6 would be perfect so I can get good use as boys 5 4 2 hehe
5 i would use it to make my daughter a birthday cake
number 5 for my grandson and granddaughter who are both 5 this year
I would get a 4 as I could use it for my niece’s birthday
I guess a 9 as my son is 9 in October! <3
24 😀 for me! Lol
number 4 for my grandson’s birthday would be fab
No 3 for my nephew please
Number 7 please
9 for my nephew!!
No.1 so that every time someone does well i can present them with a no.1 (THE BEST) cake!! 🙂 faye xx
No. 5 please! I have been invited to a friend’s son’s 5th birthday party in a couple of months 🙂
6 – it’s my mum’s 60th this year and I can make a regular circle cake for it. She’d love it! 🙂 x
7 for my son
Number 4 please
I’d love 2 for my daughter’s next birthday.
Great prize I would love anyone one of these numbers 3,4,8,9 can you tell I have four children !
Number 1 for when our child is born
Number 8 please for my daughter.
17 fir my daughter
A 7 as my son is 7 very soon.
9 my youngest is nine next time
no 7, for me!
2 for my little boys birthday!
Number 5 for my Daughters Birthday x
Becci Cleary
13, as my son turns 13 in the 17th!! Teenager. Uh Oh.
3 please – for my little granddaughter’s birthday cake
2 PLEASE, would use it for my great neice’s b-day
No.1 for my twin girls who turn one in May <3 🙂
number one because my mum is number one!!
0 so i could make a circle cake with hole in middle and fill with sweets
I’d like the number 5,so I could make my Grandson a lovely Birthday cake. Please.
I would love a number 9 please, for my sons birthday 🙂
Number 1 of my niece
Kel Ellen Hirst x
number 9 for my son’s birthday.
I would like the number 6 if you choose me for my Son’s next birthday. He would love this cake.
Number 1 would be great
5, to make a cake for my nephew!
number 12 for my sons next birthday
The cake looks fantastic well done 🙂 i would love a 5 for my eldest.
Number 1.
I would like the Number 1 for my son
I’d like number 4 please 🙂
I’d make a cake for my daughter’s 4th birthday
Number 7 for my nephews!
5 for my daughters 5th birthday
Number 6 for my daughters birthday coming up! 🙂 x
I’d like a number 4 for my little girls birthday.
Number 5 for my boy Matthew 🙂
2 as love sailing on the QM2
Number 5, for my son!!!
Number 3 for my daughter
4 for my daughter 🙂
A 6 for my neice
4 – my other halfs 44th birthday is coming up 🙂
Thanks for linking to #CelebrationCakesAndBakes, I love the colours and it looks beautifully finished. I think making it with a day’s notice is even more impressive 🙂
(For rafflecopter) My daughter’s birthday is coming up but that’s already decided as a Frozen cake, (She’s very excited) so it would have to be a 5 for my son’s birthday later in the year.
Elizabeth Briggs xxx
Number 1 for our 1st Year Anniversary 🙂
Number 1
Number 13 x
Number 7 please!
Number 2 please for my son.
S hurrell
I really do love a numbered cake but it’s the black sponge that I think is the most intriguing… lovely cake,well done… i’d go for 21, my age…. ahem…
It’s a lovely rich dark chocolate cake, but the darkness in the photo is due to sunlight streaming in the window (a nice change after this long dark window!). 21 you say, surely you’re not a day older than 19! 😉
No 3 for my little girl!
I’d like a number five please.
no 6 as its my father in laws lucky number and now my hubbys
A number 1 for my daughter’s first birthday 🙂
what a stunning cake – especially given the short notice – I have just had a 5 year old birthday too and need quite a bit of time to plan a cake – I also love the sound of your cake – am always after good chocolate cakes
Your own chocolate cake recipe you made recently sounds lovely too! Nothing beats an awesome chocolate cake 🙂
No 7 for my daughter
A number 3, ready for my nephews next birthday.
I’d like a number five please. I would like to make a 5th birthday cake for my daughter.
7 for my daughter!
No 5 myself
You are always giving me new concepts to learn – this time it’s transformers??? Great cake, what a lovely mother you are.
At least this time is was an easy theme! Flat stuff is easier to work with than those 3D shapes my children keep requesting! 🙂 Thanks for your lovely comment xx
No 7 for my nephew please
6 for my kids
Number 1 to make a cake for my Neice in June/ She will be 1
If I should be lucky enough to win I’d like number 9 for my daughter as she’ll be 9 in July and is wanting a birthday party this year. Eeek – Where does the time go?
I love your cake! Well done! I would choose 11 (or a 1 so I could make my own 11??) as my eldest son has just turned 10 so it would do for him next year and for my other three when they turn 11 too!
What a great idea! 🙂
7 for my children please x