The 4-Week Slender Plan includes everything you need to kick-start your diet and fitness goals in one box. This blog post is in collaboration with Protein World. To read my full honest review after I finished the plan click here.
I’ve got a confession to make. I have a few, in all honesty. I’ve lost my blogging mojo over the Christmas and New Year holidays. Truth be told, over the last few months, I’ve lost my mojo for a lot of things. This has culminated in me spending the last week on the couch in my pyjamas binge-watching Netflix and generally feeling sorry for myself.
It’s been over two months since I did any form of exercise bar one 12.2 mile bike ride in early January (my second attempt ended up with me painfully sliding across black ice on my hip and shoulder), and I know from experience that when I stop moving, I stop feeling ‘good’ in my skin and I start getting down. Feeling down means I’m less likely to move, and the downward spiral begins.
Like many others, I put on a little bit of weight over the festive period. So much good food and so little motivation with the poor weather to go walk it off. Nothing drastic, I’m pleased to report, but enough to need to do something about it if I want to fit comfortably into my clothes.
I’m one of those people that needs external motivation to embark on a fitness plan; I have to be in the right frame of mind and have obtainable goals to work towards, be it a summer holiday or a fitness challenge. I’m stubborn in that I’ll see it through to the end too, but I do need that extra push just to start. I’ve said it many times before, but the hardest part of a workout, for me, is the mental battle to get my workout gear on. Once that first step is done the rest just falls into place and the next thing I know I’m on an endorphin high from the exercise and I feel great.
So, I’ve teamed up with Protein World and their #EveryBodyStrong campaign for a journey in living well. Today I have begun their 4-week Slender Plan and I’m hoping this plan will be just what I need to get me back on track with my goals – namely, to feel good inside myself.
Protein World isn’t just supplements. It’s a way of life. It’s for folk who aren’t afraid to put in the work and reap the benefits. There’s no clique-y fitness classes, no queueing to get into gyms and no one to hold you accountable but yourself.
With the #EveryBodyWorks campaign Protein World are moving beyond fitness, promoting transformations in strength, mind or nutrition – a holistic view on health for a wide range of lifestyles. They’ve ditched the celebs and are looking at real journeys in health and not unattainable beach bodies.
For my journey, I’ve chosen to embark on the 4-week Protein World Slender Plan to help motivate me to work out and shed those few kilos I’ve put on over the festive period. I won’t be weighing myself again until the end of the four weeks, and I won’t be calorie counting as both of those actions can have a negative effect on my mindset. I’ll be focusing on how I feel and not what the numbers say.
The Slender Plan box contains:
- 20 servings of The Slender Porridge – two flavours of your choice – choose from four different options
- 20 servings of The Slender Blend shakes – two flavours – there are 12 different ones to choose from
- 20 Slender Bars – five of each of four different flavours – choose from seven options
- 2 bottles of Booster Capsules – choose from ten options including Fat Metabolisers and Toner Capsules
- 28 green tea and yerba mate tea bags
- 5 Slender Plan weekend helper sachets
- 1 shaker bottle
- a 70-page health and fitness guide
Plus, you get access to Protein World’s telephone nutritional advice and support. To follow the plan, you simply enjoy a bowl of porridge for breakfast, have a healthy mid-morning snack, have a protein shake for lunch, a slender bar for a mid-afternoon snack and enjoy a healthy evening meal. You can find plenty of recipes on the Protein World website.
It’s now late afternoon on Day 1 and I had a lovely bowl of golden syrup flavoured porridge for breakfast. I am impressed that each serving of porridge contains 12.1 grams of protein, plenty of vitamins and minerals as well as the Protein World Thermogenic Blend of guarana and green tea extracts. These are supposed to enhance one’s metabolism, I believe and speed up the fat-burning process. It’s also got chia seeds and whole flax seeds for extra fibre.
For lunch, I enjoyed a salted caramel protein shake which went down rather well (as I was taking these photographs you see during the mid-day window of light we get here in Shetland this time of year!), and in the afternoon I had one of the s’more flavoured Slender Bars. So far so good! For dinner tonight I’m going to try their Cajun Spiced Chicken with Butternut Squash.
This tailored 4-Week Slender Plan usually retails for £126.99, but it’s currently on offer for 40% off. There are two other Slender Plans available besides this one – choose between the Simple Plan, the Core Plan or your own tailored plan like I have.
Throughout the coming weeks, I’ll be posting regular updates on my journey. Sharing my story with you will help hold me accountable and keep me focused. I’m never going to have my early 20s pre-pregnancy body back; that’s like a butterfly wishing it could go back to being a caterpillar. They’re both beautiful in their own right, but completely different. I need to learn to embrace who I am now, and the proof, for me (and you!) will be if/when I can actually be photographed and appear, in person, on my own Instagram feed. Watch this space!
Why not set yourself a five-day transformation challenge; anything you want to do that you feel will start you on your own journey with living well. Let me know how you’re getting on through any of my social media channels (or comment on this blog post!) and Protein World will reward my top followers with regards to engagement with a small gift at the end.
No matter how big or small the challenge you set yourself, it’s the beginning that counts. Why not try cycling to work, joining a walking club or go for the all-out kettlebell workouts in the gym. You can write a diary, try waking up an hour earlier, make lists to tick off your achievements or learn how to meditate. Anything goes, just let me know!
The challenge is entirely up to you and remember, you’re not alone. Find Protein World on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook for inspiration, motivation and recipes.
Dear reader, many of you have been wondering what happened after I posted this initial write up about the 4-Week Slender Plan. I’ve finally finished the program and written a follow-up blog post!
This is a sponsored post in collaboration with Protein World. Thank you for supporting the brands who make it possible for me to do what I love: mess up my kitchen and share recipe stories.
How did you get on with this? I can’t find any updates
Hi Louise, yes, I suppose I do need to update my progress at some point. I did lose a few pounds and then I got diagnosed with a tumour in a minor salivary gland in my cheek, so I stopped the program halfway through, fully intending to resume it once I’d had surgery and recovered. Surgery was a month ago (early May) and I’m still slowly on the mend. Just waiting for the final pathology report now to see if I need any further treatment, and if not, I am back on the program asap! 🙂
Great plan. I need some motivation as well. Looking forward to your journey updates. Good luck.
Sorry to hear you’ve lost your motivation with blogging lately and most things, it’s the weather and the dark days that does it to me. I am glad to see you’re back and trying to make some changes. I have never tried protein powder, maybe it’s time I start? Welcome back lovely xx
Sorry to hear that you lost your mojo over the recent months, I can totally relate and understand completely! I hope these supplements and getting into a routine can help you get back on track!
What a brilliant idea. I really need some help to get moving and cutting down on the bad food etc. Good luck with the journey!
I am the same as you, I feel like I need a kick start now the festive season (and my birthday) is now well and truly over x
All too easy to slump at this time of year, and finding the right motivational rocket can be difficult; because being motivated when feeling unmotivated is so so difficult. I often think that having something good to focus on, like a plan, is perfect. Gives you routine that you can stick to, and as you start to feel the benefits you’re more likely to stick to it. Hope it goes well for you.
Oh Elizabeth, hope you find your blogging mojo again soon – I love a visit to your blog. Protein world could be very interesting for my athlete daughter who needs to follow a high protein diet. Thanks for the recommendation .
This looks
A great way to loose those extra pounds that have appeared since christmas
I can’t wait to follow you on this journey and see how you get on. Sounds like a good plan
I’m so excited to read about your journey and how you get on x
I have used protein world for their protein for my training and not their slender range – heard good things though. Don’t beat yourself up about feel out of it all,it is such a hard industry but hopefully you will feel inspired again
I’m always so demotivated in January after Christmas excesses – I follow slimming world and have struggled to get back on the bandwagon. It’s good to have a block of time such as four weeks as it breaks your end goal into manageable steps.
Slender Blend was actually the first protein powder I ever tried and I loved it! I’ve since moved to different brand but seeing all these other products they’ve got on offer now has made me want to try this programme!