A vegan post workout protein smoothie.
Dear Reader,
I have a confession to make.
I’ve become fat.
I’d always been one of those skinny people. When I left high school I weighed just over 7 stone. I was very active: swimming, cycling, skateboarding, horseback riding, climbing (and falling out of) trees in the summer, skiiing, ice skating on the lake and sledging in the winter.
Then I had three children. A fractured skull as the result of a horseback riding accident made me somewhat more cautious when it came to more extreme sports (but there was a point, pre-children, when I dabbled in abseiling and rock climbing here in Shetland). I walked, a lot, everywhere. The weight just fell off after the birth of my first child, after the second some hung around a bit, and after the third… well, that was an eye opener. 16 months after the birth of my third child (in 2009) I attended an Open University residential school in Nottingham. Part of our science experiments were to measure the fitness of our peers and I was shocked to realize just how much post-baby weight I’d retained and how poor my general fitness was.
I resolved to change that so I signed up to our local gym and forced myself to go five days a week after I dropped the kids off at school.
Results were quick. Within a few months I’d dropped down to a healthy, comfortable for me weight (BMI 20.1). I’ll never be as thin as I was when I left high school, but that was far too thin – unhealthy. Going to the gym – 30-50 minutes of cardio or all of the weight machines (on alternate days) meant I could generally eat what I wanted and maintain my healthy weight. Life was good.
I was the fittest I’d ever been. I felt strong! As such, I volunteered to train as a crew member on our local lifeboat. I passed all the fitness tests and was planning on going down the navigator route. My trip to the RNLI headquarters in Poole for my sea survival training was booked for that August.
I fell in love with running. I began the Couch 2 5k running program and completed it. In early May I ran the wastside miles – a 3 mile or 7 mile run organized to raise funds for local charity. I did the 7 miles; not quickly, mind, but I did it.
A few days later I stood in the path of a rope under strain and everything changed.
To cut a long story short – I suffered a severe foot crush injury resulting in a syndemosis ankle sprain, partially torn ligaments in my foot and ankle and crushed the two main nerves innervating the foot, resulting in permanent nerve damage. My experience with the NHS has been a poor one: “There, there, these things take time to heal” was the general response every time I went to the doctor. An x-ray (a year later) revealed no broken bones, but the structural and nerve damage to my foot means I haven’t been able to run or exercise since. I’ve mostly been sitting on my ever growing backside waiting for things to heal.
It’s been 18 months. Things are as healed as they are going to get. I’ve asked about acupuncture (doctor says no), I tried the chiropractor (ow – the week after my first manipulation was hellish!) and I tried medication for neuralgia (this killed the nerve pain but made me feel like I was wading through treacle in my mind – no thanks). I finally saw sense with an orthopedic consultant and a specialist who said that the crushed nerves have to degenerate back to the spine before they can regrow, a process which will take 2.5 years, if it happens at all. The orthopedic consultant gave me a set of swish moulded insoles (the crush changed the structure of my foot) which do help but if I over use my foot it pinches the nerves causing excruciating neuralgia. It can get pretty bad if I spend too much time on my feet.
Running is absolutely out of the question.
In the time I’ve been waiting to heal I’ve put on 30 pounds (just over 2 stone). My BMI has jumped up to 26.9 -right smack dab in the middle of the overweight range. 2.5 years of going to the gym 5 days a week – completely undone. I have to get my husband to open the pickle jar for me now. Weak!
I feel awful. My clothes don’t fit, I don’t want to leave the house and my elderly neighbour keeps telling me I’m getting fatter – every. time. I. see. him. Lovely.
So – I’m doing something about it.
I really dislike swimming (it’s a bit too hampster in a ball, mind numblingly dull for me), and there is nothing wrong with my upper body so I’m going to focus on weights and cardio training that way.
I will get my fitness back!
I’ve purchased a hard core home exercise video program (the price of a 3 month gym membership) and I’m adapting it a bit to minimize impact on my foot – lots of upper body exercises. It includes plenty of weight lifting – I love weight lifting! I  completed the first set today (to the best of my ability) and already I can feel the effects. I have missed these exercise endorphins!
A few weekends ago I crashed. I lived off store bought frozen pizzas cooked by my husband, stayed in my pjs for the whole weekend playing Zelda: Skyward Sword on the Wii and drank a little bit too much red wine out of a box. I felt awful. I even debated deleting my blog and hiding from the world, I felt that miserable. I can’t live like that, so big changes are afoot in Elizabeth’s Kitchen.
I could really use your support and encouragement on my journey back to fitness. Thank you for reading my confessional, which was more for me than you, but thanks for reading nonetheless.
I am fortunate to have two really useful tools for my journey back to fitness: a Froothie Optimum 9400 high powered blender and it’s cousin the Optimum 600 masticating slow juicer. Both of them have a permanent home on my counter top next to the chopping board.
Today, after my first workout on my new path back to fitness I made myself one of these high protein banana smoothies in my Froothie. I’ve been making one for my breakfast for the last few days and they are rather good, and filling, for a smoothie. I suppose a spoonful of protein powder could be added, if you wanted more protein. I’m going to experiment with adding cacao nibs too, for variation.

Banana Nut Protein Smoothie
- 25 grams raw almonds
- 1 large banana
- 200 ml unsweetened soya milk
- ice cubes optional
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- Place the almonds in a high powered blender and blitz until finely ground.
- Add the banana, soya milk and ice, if using, and blend until smooth.
- Drink immediately.
Danni over at Hungry, Healthy, Happy lost over 7 stone and has kept it off. Find out how here.
Monica over at SmarterFitter blogs about maintaining a healthy weight, simply.
If you want to be kept up to date on my recipes, occasional craft tutorials, adventure stories and giveaways then please subscribe to my weekly newsletter; it gets sent out every Monday morning if there is new content. Your email address won’t be passed on to anyone, you will never be spammed and you are free to unsubscribe at any time, no questions asked. Make sure you confirm your subscription or you won’t receive the newsletter – if it hasn’t arrived check your junk mail folder.
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This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase of a juicer or blender through them I will get a small commission.
This looks pretty good and healthy. I do two smoothies a day, morning and post work out. I love doing bana smoothies and then add up different fruits. Great way to get more fruitiness in your diet. Remember, the BMI index is not ideal and was designed so long ago that humans have changed. A lot of times it shows you are fat even when you are not. According to it I am fat, but I am almost 2 meters / 6″4 tall.
This sounds extra good & healthy. I’ve been using almond & soy milk lately because it seems more refreshing to me then milk. Thanks for the Rx
This recipe looks great
I used to be incredibly sporty and because I hated yo stop, I had a chest infection, did nothing about it, it developed into a lot worse and eventually my immune system when a bit daft and is now attacking bits of me! I developed fibromyalgia as a result too and that’s meant I gained a great deal of weight over the course of a couple of years. Steroids and meds made this worse. I have now lost 6 stone and I’m a bit fitter which helps. I can empathise with you and wish you well. Thank you for the article.
How is your fitness going? Is weight training good for loosing weight? I think I’d like to try it as I find it hard going to a gym or fitness class and I’d like to do something at home.
It’s going well – getting there, slowly! I’m down just over 1 stone now (14 lbs). Weight training is good for losing weight as the more muscle you have the more calories you burn while you rest. It also makes one feel fit and all snapped into place 🙂
I like the look of this… perfect recovery shake for my marathon training!
Love a nice smoothie.
Life. A never ending cycle. Anyway, that smoothie looks absolutely yummy! Thanks for sharing your recipe. Gonna try it sometime.
You are so brave and strong. Please, please, please do not every think about deleting your blog – it’s far too precious a resource. Good luck and bravo.
Thank you Sally, I won’t do it, I promise. 🙂 xx
Thank you for this post. Your candor is refreshing, and your story will resonate with many women. We are all grateful that you opted not to take down your wonderful blog.Best wishes from Louisiana.
Thank you so much for your encouragement Mary Katherine, I am very grateful xx
Poor you – I really do understand about the reaction from the NHS re: your foot injury. I had a really bad fall in June this year and fell awkwardly on my right knee. The pain at the time was so severe my body went into shock. Seems I was screaming so loud my dogs went into panic bless them. Long story short – Doctors did nothing – kept going back as it wasn’t right and I couldn’t feel the right hand side of my knee which was numb. Had x-ray, ultrasound and finally an MRI over the following months. Nothing broken but 2 specialists said it must be ligament damage and mentioned keyhole surgery until I insisted on the MRI scan which thankfully shows no ligament damage. My knee is still weird, numb in parts but feeling little static type shocks as well – and the air turns blue if I know it, so I’m still worrying about it. In the meantime I have put another stone in weight on…..I’m miserable and being in my 60’s with a dodgy back the sort of exercises you love would kill me. I’m going to try your delicious recipe but with goats milk as I can’t take soya. I’ll be following your progress – and I know you will progress, you are so determined. Good Luck, Maura Mc.
Oh goodness me Maura that sounds horrible! Such a shame the NHS doctors don’t put more effort into treating people. Don’t get me wrong, I am grateful they are there at all, but sometimes I feel they really don’t listen. I dread should something serious arise! Sending you lots of positive healing thoughts xx
What a tough time of it you have had Elizabeth and it’s so brave of you to tell all. I really hope you get your fitness levels back but know it must be a struggle when the pain hits. Best of luck with it though, I wish you lots of encouragement!
Thanks Laura, I appreciate your positive comments xx
Dear Elizabeth,
Your post is really emotional. I know how difficult it is to stay fit … Actually, I did not succeed at all ! Next time you meet your old neighbour, try to tell him that he’s more and more old ! :)D These old people are sometimes so nasty … Please keep in touch with us and I wish you all the best on your way to the fitness.
He doesn’t mean to be nasty – he’s dying, so I just keep smiling and being nice because it’s the right thing to do. Thank you for your encouragement xx
I can so relate to this. I fell from a first floor window about 15 months ago. My injury list read like a macabre shopping list it was so long and healing is slow. And yes, I’m getting fat for the first time in my life – I barely even got fat through my two pregnancies barring the bumps. But now I have no muscle and lots of flab. And I don’t like it either!
Oh my goodness gracious me OUCH!! So glad you survived your injuries – how terrifying! Sending lots of positive healing thoughts xx
I think you’re starting this at the right time of year – December is a time when a lot of damage can be done if you’re not mindful. Good luck with the weights, I quite fancy trying that myself as I understand it’s highly effective.
Thanks Sarah, we do have to be vigilant this time of year about what we eat. So easy to over indulge!
That sounds really tough Elizabeth for someone who has been so active. As for the weight thing, I have been feeling much the same lately for different reasons and really need to get rid of a stone which has crept on since I fell off the 5:2 wagon in the summer! Really struggling to motivate myself to get back on it or to do any exercise…… so difficult to fit round work, and all too easy to sit at my desk and pig!!! I may just have to follow your lead and join in the effort to get sorted……
It has been, mentally difficult as well as physically. I’ll get there though – I am determined! How come the weight piles on so much easier as we age!
I can totally relate to this! I injured my knee last year and couldn’t workout like I once did. Plus, being a food blogger means there is always a lot of food to eat, so I gained some of my weight back. it is so much hard to lose the weight the second time, but I will do it.
You can do it too! You have the right attitude and a healthy outlook too.
Thanks for linking to my blog 🙂
Thank you Danni, and lots of positive thoughts heading your way too! xx
Wow Elizabeth what a powerful post… it’s very honest and brave to share this and I admire you for it as you clearly want to get fit and healthy. I lurch from healthy eating to being totally out of control – it’s so hard to get the balance right as I seem to be all or nothing. There are so many things competing with our time that exercise always seems to come last on my list. You have inspired me to think about sorting my own life out…
Thank you Katie, I really appreciate your encouragement. It’s not easy, is it…
Hi Elizabeth,
I’ve haven’t commented for a while, but still following your posts.
I’m cheering for you, and sending positive vibes!
Maura x
Thank you so very much Maura xx
I love your smoothie recipe. I am lactose intolerant and usually have soya milk, so I will definitely try it! 🙂 x
I hope you like it! I prefer it with soya milk, to be honest. Feels healthier 🙂
Due to a serious back injury i found myself in the same boat, torn ligaments rarely heal to what they were and the pain is intense, Your smoothie sounds delish and i will try it out myself soon x
It’s not easy is it – bodies, such bizarre assemblies! Sending lots of positive healing thoughts to you.