Tummy troubles are a common problem in younger children, according to recent research, causing them to miss out on many important childhood experiences. The causes of this stomach upset are often misunderstood but, in some cases, if the child is struggling with the A1 protein in regular cows’ milk, switching to a2 Milk™ could make a big difference. #ad
A new poll, conducted by The a2 Milk™ Company, reveals tummy ache as the most common reason for children feeling under the weather, with 95% of parents saying their child had experienced it at some point.
Leading nutritional therapist and author of Be Good To Your Gut, Eve Kalinik, suggests that diet can play an important role in the cause of gut-related issues for children. She believes that trying a simple switch in the type of cows’ milk they drink could potentially resolve some of their symptoms and enable them to stop missing out.
“Looking more closely at the diet should be an important factor when assessing any digestive-related symptoms. I see many ‘mini’ clients whose mums don’t necessarily consider that commercial cows’ milk dairy could be one of the contributory issues. However, when they try switching to an A2 protein milk this can often help to resolve certain symptoms. Obviously, this is entirely individual, and it is all about trial and error but looking at the diet and making small changes like swapping to a2 Milk may help and be one crucial factor. – Eve Kalinik”
What is a2 Milk™
Did you know that not all cow’s milk is the same? Way back when, all cows only produced the A2 protein, but domestication of the cattle led to cows developing the A1 protein. Nearly 70% of all dairy cows these days produce the A1 protein, which can trigger the symptoms of milk intolerance in sensitive individuals as the A1 protein is much more difficult to digest than the A2 protein.
a2 Milk™ contains no A1 protein, meaning it’s gentle on sensitive tummies. It’s natural cows’ milk with nothing added and nothing is taken away, just as nature intended. As such, it’s suitable for the whole family.
a2 Milk™ is available in most supermarkets in the UK priced at £1.39. You can also find them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Please note that a2 Milk™ is not suitable for anyone with cows’ milk protein allergy.
The a2 Milk™ Tummy Trouble Challenge
The a2 Milk™ Company challenged us to replace our usual milk with their a2 Milk™ for one week and to document any differences. My mother used to suffer quite badly with an upset stomach after she consumed dairy, although she didn’t have an officially diagnosed lactose intolerance. Now that I have learned more about the difference between A1 and A2 proteins, I wonder now if a switch might have been able to help her enjoy a wider range of foods.
Both of my younger children got on really well with the week-long switch. Neither complained of any stomach upsets through the week, which is a good sign. They both really love their milky Scots porridge oats breakfasts in the morning, and a2 Milk™ made for a rather delicious start to their day, with no difference in taste.
*Research carried out by OnePoll of 2000 parents of 2-16-year-olds that attend nursery or school between the 26th April and 9th May 2018.
This is a sponsored post for a2 Milk™. Thank you for supporting the brands who make it possible for me to do what I love: mess up my kitchen and share recipe stories.
I’ve had tummy problems with milk since I was a baby, I actually buy a2 milk and since then I can actually drink milk and not be afraid x
My youngest had difficulties with milk when he was a toddler but then grew out of it. However, neither of my boys drinks a lot of milk and I have switched to Almond milk recently for my coffee and such. We don’t have this milk in the U.S but this is very interesting to read about the cows and the protein. I didn’t know that. I just learned something new today 🙂
Thanks for sharing. When I am still in the Philippines we used powder milk and my daughter gets use to it. Now we are here in the US and it’s hard to adjust since my tummy gets upset with cows milk so I try the Almondmilk “reduced sugar” it’s now our milk. I will try to look for that milk in the grocery.
I always had tummy problems whenever I drank milk, but we could never figure it out. Thanks for sharing this post. Will try this out !!
This sounds great for kids with tummy problems
No I had not heard of this type of milk until now. My nephews did have Lactose issues when they were young. Not so more now. Glad to see there is milk out there which does help with other issues.
Thanks for Sharing
John M
I’ve never heard of this brand before. My kids never had any issues with regular milk, thankfully.
I will definitely be looking for this one on my next grocery trip. My oldest daughter always has issues with milk. We have tried several different solutions without success. Thanks so much for such an informative post.
I believe so, too, because there are kids who are lactose intolerant and a chance in milk from soya, for instance, may make a great difference.
This is interesting but I am sure A2 Milk isnt in the US. Almond milk is what I drink now no more cows milk.
This milk is new to me. We are usually fine with any milk, but still worth looking into!
It has to be worth a shot right!? Milk is an agitator with my guts.
Thanks. This is great info. There have been so many changes in the world that affected all creatures and it makes sense that cows are producing different kind of milk proteins.
I didn’t realise there were different types of proteins in cows milk. I haven’t come across A2 milk but then again, we live in Portugal and finding fresh regular milk can be hit and miss at times.
I’ve been hearing a lot about this milk and think it’s great! Love that you took them up on the challenge and that you found no difference in flavour, that’s what I would be worried about when switching.
Never heard of this! I haven’t seen it in any shops either but the. I also do go straight for the blue top milk. This is really interesting though and what a great alternative for people who do get a bad belly after drinking the a1 protein milk x
I actually had no idea until I was an adult that I have a lactose sensitivity. Now I only drink alternative milks such as nut milks. It’s something I’ll be watching for in my kinds when I have them.
My son never had tummy problems from milk, but I can imagine that it’s no fun for the parents of a child who does. Nice to know there are alternatives. BTW…loving the cow outfits 😉
I’m dairy intolerant so I can’t try it by myself but would like to check with my little boy
My son has an allergy to cows milk protein. I wonder if this is something that would work for him since it doesn’t contain the a1 protein and is good for senstivie stomachs. I’ll definitely be looking into this some more, thanks for sharing!
Sometimes that’s all it takes. My kids didn’t have any official allergy but they wouldn’t did a lot of milk for some reason — I was throwing it away. Some organic lactose free milk was on sale and they gobbled it up! The issues may not be obvious but there. Good post!
A switch in milk definitely helps. We switched from cow’s milk to plant milk when we went vegan and there’s such a big difference in the way our body reacts to it. We haven’t had any issues since the change.
I am hearing so many people who are changing to this milk in order to stop stomach issues, I think I need to try it myself.
This is interesting! I’ll be referencing this in the future, for sure.
I myself loathe milk. However, my boy looooves it and he gets a cup of milk every day and he eats cereal too. Now he has ASD and I just came across some studies and trough a fb comment battle some new information linking gut problems with ASD. I am very much sceptic about it – however, I will now switch to this milk. Trying new things for an improved diet is always good. It definitely won’t hurt! Thanks for bringing it to my attention, I wasn’t aware of these details about this milk.
This is an interesting read. I so often hear children complain about tummy ache. On a side note I love The photography here.
I need to try this milk, I have a milk sensitivity. I really hope I my kids don’t have the same issue.
My daughter had the same problem so we switch to almond milk as we can’t find any other alternative here in the philippines.
I suffer from similar problems after drinking milk and have been it my whole life. But thanks to a2 Milk™ Company, it looks like I might be able to consume milk!
My fiancé had issues since he was kid with an upset stomach. Later he realized it was from milk and he had to switch to almond milk.
Thankfully I never had problems with milk, but it’s very good to know that in case something changes, there are lots of possibilities out there.
This is a very interesting post; good information for my friends and family. Thanks for sharing.
Oh how interesting! I’ve been lactose intolerant since I was a kid. I should try this!
This is really interesting. Although I knew some people were intolerant to milk I had no idea there were different types of protein in milk or that one can be better for people who struggle with it.
I am lactose intolerant. thank you for addressing this. i usually drink the milk without the lactose or other alternative beverage options, out there
Good to know. I’m glad there’s a milk out there that’s better for kids who need it. My kids never had issues with their milk, but I know some kids do.
We’ve recently found out my 15 month old has a milk allergy like myself and the difference in swapping her milk has been a game changer. I think it’s great that A2 milk is softer on the stomach as I think most milk has so much sugar in that it’s harder for us to digest.
This is an interesting post! I guess when you think about it it is a rather strange idea that we are feeding our children another animals milk? I personally have stopped all milk products and switched them for other options and right away noticed a huge difference in my health!
I’ve never heard of a2 milk I may ask a couple of my lactose intolerant friends if they have! Thanks for the interesting read!
I have lactose problems and need to see if I can drink this milk. Now if they could just make some ice cream with this milk.
Very interesting! My daughter has a milk sensitivity. I’ll have to try this out!
I grew up on Homogenized milk and never seemed to have issues. I think so much changes in quality have caused the human body to react differently to the older foods that kept us going.
We don’t tend to drink milk in our household but this is good information for my friends and family who do.
I never knew any of this about the A1 vs A2 proteins and milk intolerances. I will share this with my family and they are using a lot of milk for their kids.
I am fascinated by this, I haven’t heard of it before so will look it out on my next shop.
I no longer have actual milk. I have almond milk and my tummy has been much better since x
Not sure about this one as it wouldn’t be suitable for my son who has a cows milk allergy and it’s not safe for people with actual allergies, interesting science behind it! Glad it works for some people
This is really interesting. My kids definitely don’t suffer with any form of lactose intolerance but I am pretty sure I do. I generally avoid milk so I would be interested to give this a try.
Sounds like a2 milk is great and could save a lot of tummy problems. I haven’t heard of it before but will look out for it – thanks! Cute pics too!
I had no idea that not all cows milk was the same so this is very interesting x
I’m not a massive milk drinker, but this sounds really interesting – something more gentle on stomachs sounds really good to try
Speaking to my friends it is amazing how many children have problem with milk. I have never heard of a2 milk before.