The world has certainly grown smaller over the last few decades. Our food, especially in the West, is shipped to us from all over the globe. A trip to my local supermarket in Shetland gives me the choice of soft fruits from Spain, fresh herbs from Israel, lemons from Argentina and lamb from New Zealand!
Lamb all the way from New Zealand?! A quick look outside my window shows me a field full of lambs, why are they sent from New Zealand? The effects of this mass transport of food has global implications. There is an unfair global distribution of food and the environmental damage caused by this carbon emitting transport is alarming. We need to start thinking about our carbon footprint!
The loss in food quality that occurs during transport should be considered. Vegetables harvested thousands of miles away lose much of their vitality by the time they get to your plate, whereas a courgette from your local veg box, harvested and eaten on the same day, is bursting with nutrition.
We don’t need to look thousands of miles away for produce as there is a wide array around us. Each of us have a favourite local producer, don’t we? Mrs. Smith and the home made marmalade she sells at the Farmer’s Markets, your local cheese maker at a pop-up stall in a shopping centre, your butcher down the road selling locally reared meats, your veg box provider, the crofter who sells her eggs at the end of her driveway, etc.
This food blogging challenge was developed to promote your local food producers and share your recipes using their produce. This is the place to showcase the wonderful foods available where you live, where ever you live, worldwide.

The Rules:
1. Write your blog post showcasing a seasonal ingredient sourced locally and post your recipe url to the Linky at the bottom of the appropriate month’s challenge, including your email and the title of your recipe or post. Important: Tell us a bit about where the ingredient came from, with a link to the producer too, if available.
2. Display the Shop Local badge (as shown above) if you wish (this is optional) to the relevant recipe post, with a link back to this Shop Local page.
3. Add as many recipe links as you like, there’s no limit! Share the local producer love!
4. If you tweet your post, please mention #ShopLocalChallenge (NEW HASHTAG) and @TangoRaindrop in your tweet – I will retweet all that I see.
5. The recipe can be one of your own or one you’ve seen elsewhere, but make sure to credit the source. You are very welcome to republish old recipes/posts but please add the information about this challenge as listed above with the Shop Local badge.
6. All entries will be added to a Pinterest Group Board – Shop Local
7. The challenge runs from the first day of the month to the last and a full round up of the entries with links will be written up shortly after.
8. By linking up you are giving consent for me to include an image in the monthly round up as well as sharing on Google+, Twitter and Pinterest.
Follow Elizabeth’s Kitchen Diary’s board Shop Local on Pinterest.